An Inexpressible & Glorious Joy
An NCD Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders
It is dangerously easy to become so focused on the work we do for God that we neglect our own souls. We can get so caught up in all the preaching, teaching, praying and serving that we forget we are, first and foremost, adopted children of God (as well as valuable workers in the vineyard of the Lord). We do, do, do…and rarely slow down long enough rejoice that God, in his great mercy, rescued us through the incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. And some of us treat rest like a four-letter word or a highly contagious disease.
At the 2018 NCD Conference, we want to remind our NCD pastors and church leaders that that we are followers of Jesus before we are leaders for Jesus. We are beloved children of God, not high producing employees for his kingdom. We have been saved by grace, and our salvation continues by grace, not good pastoral works. To that end, we have invited Dr. Constantine Campbell, professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, to come and share God’s word with us. From 1 Peter 1:1-9, we will remember our inheritance, better understand the place of suffering, and refocus on the glorious and inexpressible joy that comes from salvation.
Come join us for a time of nourishment, encouragement, challenge--and maybe even healing--for your own heart and the hearts of your ministry team. This year, before taking ministry ideas and strategies back to your church, we want you to hear loud and clear who Christ is and how great is the salvation he has won for you. So come hungry to be fed with heavenly nourishment. And, of course, come hungry to connect and reconnect with fellow leaders from around the district, to learn from a variety of workshops, and to engage in district updates, business and prayer.