Monday, June 16, 2025 at 1:30pm -Friday, June 20, 2025 at 9:30am MDT
11 NM-50, Glorieta, NM 87535
Welcome to the 2025 registration for OneThing274: Emptied.
Please note that the roommate selection process has changed from last year. To guarantee your request, you and your desired roommate must list each other* in the “Preferred Roommate” field. Be sure to talk to your roommate beforehand and confirm your selections before completing registration!
After completing this form, you will be automatically redirected to Glorieta’s registration page where you will need to complete a mandatory Glorieta waiver. Please be sure to wait for the redirection after you complete this camp sign-up form.
*Please note that middle schoolers and high schoolers will have different curfews at camp, but “lights out” will be the same for everyone, regardless of rooming arrangements.