Welcome to the first Mount Ida College Home Run Derby. Sign up today to blast your way past the competition as you hit softballs out of the park in a home run derby contest.
Each participant in the first round will get 10 pitches to hit as many home runs as you can. After round #1, the top 12 hitters will reset to zero and hit again, with this round hitters hitting blasts until you reach 5 outs. What is an out? Anything that is not a home run! Round #3 will be cut in half to 6 batters with the same 5 out format. Round #4 will be the championship round of 2 batters which will be a head to head match up for the grand prize. All ties within rounds will be subject to a head to head "Blast Off" with batters getting 1 to 1 swing chances to move onto the next round.
In round one, batters will be put into groups of three to make sure you are ready when it is your turn to bat. All other participants will be in the field to help shag balls.
Grand Prize will include an Intramural Champions T-Shirt and a gift card. Second place will receive a pat on the back.